Diagenom GmbH, located in the Hanseatic city of Rostock on the German Baltic Sea coast, is a state-of-the-art medical diagnostics laboratory for human genetics with the units Molecular Genetics and Cytogenetics.


Diagenom GmbH – medizinisch-diagnostisches Labor für Humangenetik mit den Bereichen Molekulargenetik und Zytogenetik


Pre- and postnatal cytogenetics includes the classic method of chromosome band analysis as well as a wide range of molecular cytogenetic analyses using fluorescence in situ hydridization to clarify the karyotype.


Diagenom GmbH – medizinisch-diagnostisches Labor für Humangenetik mit den Bereichen Molekulargenetik und Zytogenetik

Molecular Genetics

For molecular genetics and molecular pathology, we use a wide range of methods for mutation analysis. These include classic methods such as Sanger sequencing, MLPA and real-time PCR-based tumor assays as well as state-of-the-art NGS-based gene panel and WES analyses.


Diagenom GmbH – medizinisch-diagnostisches Labor für Humangenetik mit den Bereichen Molekulargenetik und Zytogenetik

Tumor Genetics

For the precise classification and differential diagnosis of hematologic neoplasms, we use classical cytogentic as well as state-of-the-art molecular cytogenetic and molecular genetic analyses.